Making More Money Will NOT Clear Your Money Blocks


Money blocks are self-limiting beliefs around your income and income goals. What you may not realize, however, is that simply making more money does not clear your money blocks. And until you do clear your money blocks, your money problems may only get worse. 


More Money, More Problems 

There's a common misconception out there that making money can solve all of your problems. As I’ve learned from my own experience, and see all the time in the lives of our clients here at Money Mindset Accelerator, money problems don’t go away until money blocks are cleared. 

As you make more money and you become more successful, everything that you do gets magnified. If you haven't dealt with your money blocks, they’ll get magnified too, and you'll find even bigger ways to lose money and get yourself into financial trouble. 

For example, no matter how much you earn, you can always spend more. And if you have fear, anxiety, panic or guilt around money,...

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Make More Money and Give More of Your Time


What Is The The Law Of Reciprocity?

At the most basic level, we could use the entrepreneur example: you've got something to sell, products or services, and you will provide those in exchange for a fee. 

That's kind of basic giving and receiving, but I believe there is a much broader application of that as well, in business, and certainly in other aspects of life. 

Some of the mentors that I've worked with, like Akbar Sheikh and Julie Tingen who both use the tagline “make more so you can give more” believe that we, as entrepreneurs, can make as much money as we can so that we can ultimately give a lot more back. 


Do You Feel That Making More Money Is Greedy? 

Some people feel that making a lot of money is really greedy.  If that applies to you I'd urge you to challenge yourself look for the belief that’s causing that particular money block. 

There's no reason why you have to be greedy if you make a lot of money. My view is...

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Being Prepared For Opportunities


The inspiration for this week’s post is my band, The D'Lights. They’ve taught me one of the biggest lessons that can be applied in any business and industry which is how to be prepared for opportunities. 

If I had to break it down I’d say:

Master your craft: put your skills to work, get really good at what you do, and be the best in your field. "Success happens at the intersection of preparedness and opportunity".  

We've been singing together for years working at our craft. A few days ago we sang at a church service, and someone approached us afterwards and decided to book us for a gig. 

If we hadn't done the work that got us to sounding the way that we do, those opportunities wouldn't come our way. The same thing applies to any business.

Do you want an opportunity to speak on stage? Take the first step by having your speech ready. Know what your offer is and know exactly how you're going to handle the situation. Or at least be prepared to...

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Where Self-Limiting Beliefs Come From


Today we’re discussing self-limiting beliefs and paradigms. 
Your beliefs are not just your thoughts, they also seep into your habits, behavior and character. 

Self-limiting beliefs are formed at a very young age. Around the age of four or five your conscious mind isn't fully formed. A young, impressionable mind doesn’t have the ability to interpret things to either accept them or reject them. It absorbs everything that goes on around you and pretty soon you end up thinking “this is how the world works”, and it becomes your paradigm. 

Whether your parents were happy or they argued, whether money was tight or not, it had an impact on your subconscious mind. That’s how beliefs about money are formed. Over hearing conversations like “money doesn't grow on trees” or “rich people are greedy” would have conditioned you to have a certaing paradigm or belief about money. 


How To Reprogram Self-limiting...

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How To Identify Your Money Blocks


What Are Money Blocks? 

Money blocks are self-limiting beliefs around your income and income goals. They work at a deep level of your sub-conscious mind to trip you up in the form of self-sabotage. 

Money blocks may show up in your work as:

  • Procrastinating 
  • Not completing things or half-doing things
  • Not following up your leads 
  • Making excuses to back out of commitments and goals 
  • Focusing on difficulty rather than opportunity

As these effects of money blocks pile up, you feel a constant pull in opposite directions that stops you from taking effective action. 


Discovering Money Blocks 

This short exercise will help you identify your money blocks so you can start clearing them faster.

  • Step 1: Think about a particular income goal you have, (i.e. $10,000/month). 
  • Step 2: Close your eyes and really visualize that number. 
  • Step 3: Double it. 

This is your new income goal. Your previous goal was too low. You could be making...

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The Missing Piece To Your Success


When it comes to setting and achieving your business goals, there are many different elements that make up a successful business. To make a regular, recurring income as a solo entrepreneur, you need to master the following components:

  • Your offer: you’ve got to have an offer that appeals to people and that solves a painful problem

  • A Solution: you have to solve the problem your customers are facing - either by already having the skills to solve the problem yourself, or you may need to up-skill to stay at the top of your game and keep evolving your solution.

  • Work Ethic: to be successful in business, you've got to be prepared to get off your backside, do the work and show up consistently in your business.

  • Mindset: mindset is the absolute key, because if your mindset is not in the right place, then it affects every other element. Your mindset underpins everything else that you do in your business so you've really got to work out how to operate with the best energy and attitude...
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Understanding Money Blocks


I’ve heard it said before that comprehension starts and ends at the point of articulation. That is, how we talk about what we experience, the language we use to describe it, shapes our understanding of that experience. 

Quite often when people feel “stuck,” it’s for a lack of words to explain what's going on. We simply just experience something, but we can't really explain why we're stuck, and for that reason, we can’t understand it, and for that reason, we can’t get out of it. 

While true in all areas of life, today we’re looking at how working with a money vocabulary can help you improve your life financially.

Specifically, we’re looking at money blocks. 


What Are Money Blocks? 

Money blocks are self-limiting beliefs around money. They affect people in three main ways: 

1. Money Creation Money Blocks

People with money blocks centered on money creation struggle to create money and create wealth. These...

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How To Manifest Incredible Results With A Powerful Money Mindset


When you have a powerful money mindset, you can start to excel in all areas of your life because you’ll learn how to operate with more clarity, focus and balance. 

A lot of the personal challenges I faced during my 20s stemmed from having a weak money mindset.

When I left high school many moons ago, I was really fortunate to be accepted into a prestigious business scholarship program at one of Australia’s top universities. Even though my scholarship opened up many doors for me, I very quickly realised that the corporate world wasn’t what I hoped it would be and I felt really unhappy in my career. Most of the time I felt like a square peg trying to squeeze through a round hole. 

What I didn’t know at the time was that a lot of my challenges stemmed from having a weak money mindset and not believing I was worthy of success. This self-limiting belief caused me to work long hours and I would often stare at my computer screen and wonder: “Is this...

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Why You Should Start With Your Mindset... and How To Do It Quickly!


Building a business is a bit like building a house. You're going to have much longer lasting success and a much stronger house if you lay solid foundations to begin with. A powerful, positive mindset helps build a strong foundation in your business. There are three core elements that you need to succeed as an entrepreneur in business.

1. A powerful and positive mindset: This relates to having the right kind of energy, clarity and focus in your business.

2. Strategy: Embarking on a business and succeeding requires you to have really clear goals. You need to have clarity on what your goals are and specifically, your key success metrics. 

If your goal is to hit seven figures this year from a service-based business, you’ll want to break down the following metrics: 

  • How many clients you need for your various products or packages to get to your revenue goal.
  • How many sales calls you need to make to enrol that number of clients.
  • How many leads you need to generate that...
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Why I Help People With Their Money Blocks


When I reflect back on my life, I think it's fair to say I’ve achieved a good amount of success, however the truth is, I was never really as successful as I wanted to be. Or to be more accurate, it didn’t happen in the way I wanted it to.

During my teens and twenties, I had very low self-esteem even though I appeared to be confident (probably because I did a lot of public speaking and sang in bands). My successes felt like a fluke because I didn't believe in myself and I just sort of pushed myself to achieve certain things.

During my 30s, I was rapidly climbing the corporate ladder, but the stress of the job was killing me. I knew I didn’t want to do accounting forever - and that is when I drew on my passion around personal development and started a life coaching certification.

Life coaching teaches you a systematic way to achieve your goals alongside working on things like your self-limiting beliefs. I used it to get promoted in my own career and I started to...

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